Three Electrical Experiments to Teach Your Children

It is time to do something with your children other than taking them to the latest animated movie or playing video games with them. Get truly connected with your children by doing an activity with them that will be really fun and exciting. Consider spending the day playing scientist. Do a few fun experiments that will teach your children about electricity. Not only will you have some wonderful bonding time with your children, but you will be teaching them about the wonders of science at the same time.

Kid Learning About Electricity

1. Fun With Static Electricity

This is designed for your young children. Teach them about static electricity while having fun with balloons. All you will need is balloons and string.

First, blow up a single balloon, and rub it back and forth on your head until your hair is standing on end. After your children see you do it to your hair, stand them in front of a mirror and rub the balloon on their head so they can see their own hair standing on end.

Next, blow up a second balloon, tie it to a long piece of string and hang it so it dangles in a doorway. Rub your head vigorously with the first balloon again, and then hold it next to the hanging balloon. You will see that the hanging balloon will begin to swing towards the first balloon without ever coming into actual contact with it.

Finally, turn on your sink faucet to allow a small stream of water to run. Once again, rub the first balloon on your head and then hold it near the water. The water will bend towards the balloon as if it is trying to reach it.

Your young children will be delighted by these things, and you can explain to your older children what you have actually done. Rubbing the balloon against your hair causes it to pull electrons, which are negatively charged particles, from your hair. The balloon then becomes negatively charged and begins to attract the positively charged objects, which in this case include your hair, the other balloon and the water.

2. Make Your Own Light

This is a great experiment for older children. You will need only one small light bulb with holder, one battery and two short pieces of electrical wire.

Tighten the light bulb into its holder.

Strip a piece of wire and attach the end of it to one side of the holder by threading it through the metal hole. The copper wire must have contact with the holder in order to let the electricity flow.

Strip the second piece of wire, and attach it to the other side of the holder just as you did the first piece of wire. If needed to keep the wires in place, you may use tape.

Pick up each loose end of both wires and attach them to each side of the battery terminal. This will make a complete circuit and your light bulb should light up.

3. Awesome Balloon Light

This is fun for everyone and very simple. You only need one balloon, your hair and a fluorescent light bulb. You can even use the balloon you used in the first experiment.

Take a blown-up balloon, and rub it against your head. Take it into a darkened room and touch it to the electrode prongs located on the end of your light bulb. Static electricity will discharge from the balloon and light up the bulb.

Enjoy your day with your little future scientists. This will definitely be time well spent.